Friday, August 27, 2010


OMG u shuld watch JOSH!!!!! ( he's on Youtube btw )
type in........
  • Tik Tok parody
  • Josh : Question and answer
  • Party in the USA parody
  • Alejandro parody
  • Boom Boom Pow parody
  • Crayons, cupcakes, and weeds

thts awl 4 now

so say sup 2 a bulldog and eat some soup!
- maddie :D

Monday, August 16, 2010

Party Peeps

My bday party peeps....
  • abby
  • zoe
  • ellie
  • capi
  • maggie fitch

my bday party no go's....

  • maggie hammond
  • gracie

my bday party no responds YET......

  • allegra
  • anna
  • hannah

OMG!!!! Cedar Point was soooo much fun........ untill I got sick!!!! :( Anywho.... do you like my pic??????? I do!!! :) he he..
Volleyball starts and tryouts are 2marrow!!! EEP!!! so nervous!!!!! :)
say yo 2 a woodchuck and eat some spaghetti!
-maddie :D

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Hola!!!!!! can u blieve its AUGUST???!!!! i cant! this month im goin 2....
  • Cedar Point
  • My grandma's cottage in Port Sanalac
  • Mackinaw Island
  • Michigan Adventure
  • Kings Island
  • Pentwater

thats all!! :) YAY!!! OMG also guess what??!!! i just painted my toe nails and finger nails pretty orange and exuberant pink!!
they r the BOMB DIGGIDY!!!!! ha ha jk!!! :)

'till then eat some cookies and say hi 2 a St. Bernard!!

- maddie :D