Saturday, September 11, 2010


okey so whts the dealio?????? do u like me or dont u?? y dont u email me bak?!!! ahhhhhHHHHHH!!!!!!!! if ny1 can help me ill like luv them 4 life!!!!!!!!!

so eat food
talk 2 my brother ( wht? hes an animal!)
-maddie :-/

Thursday, September 2, 2010


HEY!!!! dontcah LUV happy bunny!!! :)

Friday, August 27, 2010


OMG u shuld watch JOSH!!!!! ( he's on Youtube btw )
type in........
  • Tik Tok parody
  • Josh : Question and answer
  • Party in the USA parody
  • Alejandro parody
  • Boom Boom Pow parody
  • Crayons, cupcakes, and weeds

thts awl 4 now

so say sup 2 a bulldog and eat some soup!
- maddie :D

Monday, August 16, 2010

Party Peeps

My bday party peeps....
  • abby
  • zoe
  • ellie
  • capi
  • maggie fitch

my bday party no go's....

  • maggie hammond
  • gracie

my bday party no responds YET......

  • allegra
  • anna
  • hannah

OMG!!!! Cedar Point was soooo much fun........ untill I got sick!!!! :( Anywho.... do you like my pic??????? I do!!! :) he he..
Volleyball starts and tryouts are 2marrow!!! EEP!!! so nervous!!!!! :)
say yo 2 a woodchuck and eat some spaghetti!
-maddie :D

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Hola!!!!!! can u blieve its AUGUST???!!!! i cant! this month im goin 2....
  • Cedar Point
  • My grandma's cottage in Port Sanalac
  • Mackinaw Island
  • Michigan Adventure
  • Kings Island
  • Pentwater

thats all!! :) YAY!!! OMG also guess what??!!! i just painted my toe nails and finger nails pretty orange and exuberant pink!!
they r the BOMB DIGGIDY!!!!! ha ha jk!!! :)

'till then eat some cookies and say hi 2 a St. Bernard!!

- maddie :D

Thursday, July 8, 2010

hey guys! its raining and i got some kickin new shorts!
1s pink, purple & orange and plaid
1s stripy ( 2 many colors)
and 1 has peace sins and peace sign hearts!
there wus a star 1 but it wus and XS. :*( im a S
g2g 2 my SWIM MEET!!!
so eat some hot tamales and say hi 2 a barracuda ( eff those!)

-maddie :D

Sunday, July 4, 2010


hey guys!
hey guys!! tht wus what i said in Wingdings!!! This is my name in wingdings!!
Madison Malone Drake
tht said Madison Malone Drake!!
if u want ur name in wingdings leave a comment by putting ur name! well thts awl 4 2day so
eat Jell-o and say yo 2 a fish!!

- Maddie :D
maddie :D

Saturday, July 3, 2010

  • hockey player!
  • smart
  • nice
  • funny
  • athletic
  • hot bod =D

ppl hate

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


hi claire hi jessie!


hey everybody! guesss wht???? its SUMMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!! no more skewl 4 a loooooong time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well i g2g hang @ the pool ( cuz its summa!) so c u soon!!!
till then

say aloha 2 a squirrel and eat some raddishes ( raddi??)

-maddie :D

Saturday, June 12, 2010


hi-lo everybody!!!
i have a new word.....
well thts awl 4 2day!
eat some mac and cheese and say hi 2 a bunny rabit!

-maddie :D

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


hey hey u no wutive noticed? I LIKE BIG FONT!!!!! :) n2m 2 say so bi!!!!

say hi to and el pacca and eat some flan!
-maddie :D

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

hey peeps wussup??
only 8 more mornings tht we gotta get up 4 skewl!!!
YAYAYAYAYYAY!! happy happy!!! :D

weelll g2g c u soon!
so say hi 2 a cow and eat some green beans (yuck!) :/

-maddie :D

Monday, May 24, 2010

My crazy weekend

hey everyone! guess what? i had a craz weeknd!!!
  1. we went 2 the beach and were attacked by weird bug type things.
  2. had a 3 minute laugh attack ( this means u katie mollun!)
  3. got lost on the lake 4 about 2 hrs.

well im done 4 2day!!!!!!
so talk to a platypus and eat a banana!!

-maddie :D

Saturday, May 22, 2010

hi from kendra

hey everybody!! new post: by my cuz kendera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( she rox btw....)

hey people! How are you 2day? not PEOPLE but PEEPS!!!!! well maddie needs me to get off so ill tak to you later!!!!!!!!!!!!

ya tht wus her!!!!!!!
well thts awl 4 this post!
say hola 2 a whale and eat some guacamole!
-maddie :D

Maddies blog

Hey everyone!!!!!! Welcome 2 my blog!!! I just want to say hi!!! So........ HI!!!!
untill next time... say hi to a squirrell and eat M&M's.

-maddie :D